Thursday, February 7, 2013

Maci's Home - AGAIN!!

Today was a great day for Maci!  She did well at home last night, still slightly congested and had her cough but woke up to eat and would rest the way a new baby should :-)  Today, mommy and grandma continued to disinfect the house and enjoy cuddle time/naps with our lil cutie!  We go back for her follow up Dr appointment tomorrow morning so please say some prayers that she is still heading in the great direction she has been headed thus far!!  We will keep you all posted!

In the meantime, enjoy this cute pic of Daddy and Maci chilling in front of a good movie tonight.  I am sure you can tell she is happy to be home, almost as happy as we are to have her back home!!

C, K & M

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear that she is home and doing well! What a scary time that must have been for you. You are right...RSV sucks! Hope you guys are well.

    P.S Maci looks so much like you!!

    Much love from the Morrows,
